It’s a great place for a yarn, a fly and a general chat about all that’s good and should be better in the world. You guessed it, RAMS, a place where everyone with an interest in planes casual and intense are welcome. 

Dig a little deeper, beyond the hum of the electric motors, the iconic sound of plastic chairs scraping against the concrete and there are those that take it upon themselves to bring order, structure and comfort to this otherwise motley group of intrepid flyers. They might arm themselves with shovels,  soldering irons or just their sharp wit, but they are the unsung heroes that go above and beyond to keep RAMS in tip top shape.

The Give Back Initiative is set to see these troops recognised (in a discrete manner) for their contributions to the club with a small gesture of thanks.

If you’ve been witness to a RAMS member that’s gone above and beyond the call of duty to make a contribution to our great club, please use the form below to nominate them for discrete recognition, or speak to a member of the committee in person.

Of course, in today’s world, even merriment and tokens of gratitude need guidelines. If you’re wondering about how this all works, here’s the guidelines for this initiative…

Works completed or donations made to the club by non-committee members that clearly benefit the club as a whole by improving its facilities/operation without intent for personal gain. Acknowledgements can be offered in the form gifts/tokens of appreciation not intended to be proportional to the task completed but as an expression of appreciation. Costs should not exceed $30, adjusted for inflation given that the cost is set in 2022.

RAMS Committee, 1st October, 2022

If you would like to nominate someone who you deserves recognition please let us know…

This is your details. That is, the person providing the nomination.
Please provide the name of the person who you believe should be nominated for recognition.
All nominees of recognition of reward are reviewed and approved by the RAMS Committee so please allow for several months (as we only meet four times per year)