Safety is everyone’s responsibility

All members are responsible to ensure the safety of all pilots, other members and the public is maintained at all times.  This is why we have rules and procedures as well as a Duty Officer assigned for each session to ensure these are adhered to.

Let’s Get Loud

A quick reminder about being loud while in the Pilot Box. 

It is the responsibility of the pilot making an announcement to ensure all pilots in the pilot box both hear and acknowledge the call

Communication is a two way street… if you say something and it’s not heard, it’s as if you have said nothing at all.  Make sure your message is heard – that is your responsibility.

Here are some examples of verbal calls;

  • OK to Take Off?” before taking off – you are asking for permission NOT making a statement.
  • Landing from the <direction>” when on landing approach, eg. east, west, etc.. 
  • A courtesy call of “Going Around” should be made if landing is aborted.
  • Ok to enter the field?” if pilot is required to enter air side to collect their aircraft.  
  • On the field” before collecting your aircraft from the field.
  • Field is clear” once you have exited air side to let other pilots know they are OK to land.
  • No control” or “Dead Stick” must be called  OUT LOUD if a pilot loses control of their aircraft

Everyone’s Responsibility

It is everyone’s responsibility to alert every pilot operating an aircraft to anything that may pose a risk at either a ground or air level such as;

  • Members of the public entering the field
  • Animals entering the field
  • Manned aircraft (as soon as manned aircraft are heard ANYONE is permitted to loudly alert all pilots to ensure no one is flying in a way or manner for which could interfere with a manned aircraft)
  • Anything else which may be impacted by model aircraft.