We’re considering holding a few friendly events at RAMS to bring a bit of extra fun and community spirit to the club. Listed below you’ll see some ideas still in the development stages, we are hoping to collect some expressions of interest from members to help guide our plans.
Each of the events is numbered, if you’re interested in any of these events, or perhaps even a variation of one of these events please email us by referencing the event numbers that appeal to you.
If you have any constructive criticism/ideas/modifications, feel free to email the RAMS Committee.
Weekday Events
Event 1.
Free Flight Distance Competition
*Open to all members, social/senior/junior
Competitors will be provided with identical foam planes (Kmart $3 Hot Rods!). Participants will have twenty minutes to trim or modify their planes with the provided hobby knife, tape and weights.
The plane that travels the furthest distance inside a predefined width is the winner
Event 2.
Free Flight Time Competition (Rubber Band)
*Open to all members, social/senior/junior
Competitors will be provided with identical Rubber Powered Guillow’s Streak Planes ($10 Toothpicks!). Participants will have twenty minutes to affect modifications (trim and balance) using the provided hobby knife, sandpaper, tape and weights.
Apply as many winds on the rubber as you dare in under 30 seconds. The plane that stays in the air the longest will be the winner.
Event 3.
Unpowered Glider Accuracy Competition (RC Control Surface)
*Open to all members, social/senior/junior
Competitors will be provided with an unpowered RC Glider that has control surfaces only. Without modifications the pilot able to land the aircraft with the nose closest to the center of the pre-defined marker wins.
Weekend Events
Event 4.
Circuit Racing
An oval circuit will be created by placing a helium balloon at each end of field one and two. Competitors will race around the oval circuit keeping the tightest line possible around the circuit without cutting corners. The winner will be the quickest time in completing five laps. Pilots will provide their own plane, weight, wingspan and cell restrictions apply.
Event 5.
Balloon Bursting
Six helium balloons weighed down by witches’ hats tied with easy break thread for safety. Four planes will be launched per heat, the plane that pops the most balloons wins.
Event 6.
Land on the spot
A favorite not to be forgotten. Land any pusher closest to the center of the marker/spot
Event 7.
Streamer Cut
Last man standing, cut your opponent’s streamer using pusher combat planes.
Event 8.
Pilot that flies their plane under the lowest limbo bar wins
Potential Prizes
Of course if some of these events turn out to be popular we are happy to consider some prizes as well. None of these are confirmed, just some ideas to wet your appetite.
- Voucher for Banjos Bakery (local)
- Voucher for a ride in a glider (Red Balloon)
- Voucher for entrance fee for plane museum
- Voucher for hot air balloon ride
- Bottle of wine