Summary of MAAA Wings Test

In Australia the governing body for model aeronautics is the Model Aeronautics Association of Australia (MAAA).  The MAAA is in close liaison with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to ensure the rules, guidelines and certifications of model aircraft pilots are in line with CASA’s directives.

In Queensland the division of the MAAA is called the Model Aeronautical Association of Queensland (MAAQ) and Redlands Aero Modellers Club (RAMS) is an affiliated member of MAAQ (The image to the right explains it better!)

The MAAA has created and maintains a certification process called ‘MAAA Wings’ (MOP027 Award of Wings) for model aircraft pilots across the following categories;

  • Fixed Wing
    • Powered Aircraft
    • Glider Aircraft
  • Helicopters and Multirotors
  • Rockets

Across each of these four categories of model aircraft are four stages of competency;

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Instructor

These levels of competency are governed by a role within each club called the Chief Flying Instructor (CFI).  Each clubs CFI reports to the MAAQ’s CFI which keep the certification process separate from the club governance process… and it all works well in the end !  🙂

How do I get my MAAA Wings?

Firstly join an MAAA affiliated club like RAMS.  Your next step is to go for your Bronze Wings. Once you achieve your Bronze Wings you are are able to fly solo at an MAAA airfield.  Once you get your Bronze Wings you can then attempt Silver Wings and so on.

The real question is, what will I be tested on and what do I need to know for each test?  The following links go directly to the documents on the MAAA website…

  1. Fixed Wing
    1. Powered
      1. Bronze or Silver Wings (MAAA016)
      2. Gold Wings  (MAAA017)
    2. Glider
      1. Bronze or Silver Wings (MAAA018)
      2. Gold Wings (MAAA019)
  2. Helicopter
    1. Bronze or Silver Wings (MAAA020)
    2. Gold Wings (MAAA021)

RAMS is not permitted to fly rockets at our location so rocketry testing is not included.

How do I request and prepare for my MAAA Wings test?

If you are a RAMS Member you can complete the form below.  If not, you need to contact your own club as they will perform your testing for you.  Once completing the form below the RAMS Chief Flight Instructor (CFI) will be in contact with you to assess your readiness and organise a time for testing;

If you have any questions at all about your MAAA Wings test you can contact the RAMS CFI at