Happy New Year !!

The RAMS Committee wishes everyone a happy new year and hope the Christmas break was kind to you all.


Congratulations goes to Sharne Andrews for achieving his Bronze Wings (Thank you to Jim for doing the testing).  Well done Sharne!

Midges are out and about

Just a quick heads up that the Midges are out at the field so its a good idea to bring some repellent or ensure you are wearing long clothing.

Phil and Cal maiden their new FPV Rig

Our President Phil Smith and Cal Moss have put together a wonderfully sophisticated FPV fixed wing setup and successfully took it on its maiden flight.  Phil mentioned how he worked with the people directly who made the onboard electrics and how they were able to control his computer remotely from the USA while his computer was attached to his plane to correct small issues he was having.  He said it was amazing to see this guy remotely changing the configuration of his plane from over in the USA – Mind blown !

The plane is a Mini Talon (Matek flight programmed with an INAV Controller, EZYUHF long range control system, Matek 1.2 VTX with 1.2 VRX to a 5.8Ghz receiver).

On the day of taking it up for the first time Phil took on the role of pilot while Cal, hunched down over a small monitor with a towel over his head to stop the glare, was able to read out the telemetry properties to Phil to ensure everything was working the way it should be.  According to Phil it worked perfectly.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”21″ gal_title=”Phils FPV”]

Phil has also built into the plane a switch that will place the plane into auto pilot that can not only return the plane to home but maintain a level flying circle 50 m above the launch site – really impressive Phil and Cal !



Anaconda FPV

We are looking forward to seeing Cal’s new pickup of an Anaconda FPV at the club.  Looks like a nice plane Cal !

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”19″ gal_title=”Cals Anaconda FPV”]


RAMS Christmas Lunch

From all accounts everyone had a great time at the RAMS Christmas lunch…

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”17″ gal_title=”RAMS 2020 Christmas Party”]

Photos kindly submitted by Rob Shinners


If you have anything you would like to mention in our Newsletter please email the Secretary


3 thoughts on “Newsletter January 2021”

  1. Happy New Year to our Committee and to all our members however I feel that we are in for more testing times in the future!
    Thanks to President Phil for his best wishes and his comments regarding communications from the side lines to the pilot box as this has created a talk thread that I will call communication. (refer: Your club requires your help!)
    Communication is listed as an important Human Factor involved with the maintenance of a safe environment.
    When safely flying an aircraft it is impossible for the pilots to scan the field for pedestrians entering into danger imposed by the flying aircraft and must rely upon persons on the side lines to inform both the pilots and the pedestrians of the dangers developing.
    I have called mothers with children crossing, ladies playing golf, families setting up a picnic on the cricket pitch Fathers with kids about to kick a ball around and even a young fellow who started doing stretch exercises on our North South approach currently under operation. All of these events require communication with the pilots from the sideline and then a face to face approach with the pedestrian.
    I have also cheered a pilot for a great or spectacular landing. This gives a pilot assurance that we are all watching for his safety as duty officers.
    So Sorry Phil I do not agree with your comments. But keep up the good work.
    On a similar note still called Communication. Each pilot should ask themselves the following questions.
    1. When did I last ask pilots in the flying box permission to taxi out onto the field and wait for permission from each pilot before commencing to taxi?
    2. When did I last ask permission before takeoff giving my intended direction and my intensions after takeoff and ensured that all pilots in the box understood?
    3. When did I last ask for permission to land giving my current position and intended landing direction and then ensure that each pilot was aware of my intension before commencing to land?
    If your answers to these questions are the last time I flew then you are a safer pilot.
    PS we had two planes land from two directions this morning. They missed each other on the ground by around a metre. One pilot had failed to ensure that all pilots in the box new his intensions. There were three pilots flying and one waiting to launch.

  2. In total agreement Glen, being one of the pilots involved in the mentioned near miss.
    Also I should thank you for all your encouragement i.e. congratulations on a good landing or when not so good a landing, go around and try again.
    Cheers, Paul.

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