RAMS Welcome PackThe creation of a Welcome Pack will help provide information to anyone enquiring about remote control aircraft.  The club is increasingly receiving more enquiries regarding RC flying / gliding in the greater Redland area from our website as well as through our social media platforms.  In order to make a good first impression the committee has put together a Welcome Pack to hand out to anyone who is interested (Welcome Packs are available in the Hangar in the Secretary Folder (anyone can take one or hand them out).

“You only get one chance to make a good first impression”

In response to welcoming new people to the club we have created two documents to assist with managing their expectations;

Welcome Pack Content

Thanks to Jim Grant who sourced some well produced, introductory pamphlets from the MAAA, we have taken these and inserted a letter from our President, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) as well as an outline of a RAMS Membership Pathway as they progress from initial enquiry through to solo flying.

We are pleased with the end result and encourage all members to grab a pack and hand them out to anyone who is interested in RC Flight.