Check out this great selection of planes at the Club today.

Wind at the Club today couldn’t seem to make up its mind, pilots saw everything from mild steady light winds, occassional gusts and even a late morning dead calm!

There was an interesting assortment of planes taking advantage of the milder conditions including the return of Phill’s Extreme Flight 78 inch Extra running on 10s power, Greg’s new Corsair, Stephen’s fascinating project that seems to the defy the laws of physics, currently known as The Magnus Plane and Phill’s Durafly EFXtra.

Stephen’s Magnus Plane has been at the Club a couple of times already, this has been the first time we’ve seen it fly so smoothly. The aircraft actually has no elevator, using only throttle and rudder to carve a path through the field. Designed entirely in Fusion360 and printed on an Ender3pro and Ender 5plus it maintains flight using the Magnus Effect and is powered by two 1200 KV motors on a 1300mah 4s battery. Scroll to the bottom of this article to see The Magnus Plane in flight.

RAMS isn’t only about big, fast, experimental and fancy planes, a huge range of planes were present today including high wings, 3D trainers, war planes and a PA Addiction just to name a few. Our Cheif Flight Instructor was also on the field today providing instruction for two of our junior members.

Linked from TheRattleSnake3145

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