How you choose to spend the next 5 minutes may save a life…

Let’s face it… we’re all getting older and the average age of the RAMS Club is 61 years old.  This puts most of our members at a higher risk of a heart attack.  Did you know that we have a Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) at our club?

All members should make themselves aware of where the AED is located and how to use it.  The highest priority when someone is having a heart attack is to TAKE ACTION.

Where is it located?

What does it look like?

How do I use it?

These little devices are intelligent.  The only thing they can’t do is get themselves to the patient and hooked up.  Once you turn them on they do all the decision making for you.  What you need to do is…

  1. Take it off the wall
  2. Take it to the patient
  3. Open it up
  4. Follow the 3 step diagram on the inside cover of the AED
  5. Turn it on….  At this point this amazing little machine starts talking to you and analysing the patient’s heartbeat and, if required, will shock them.  It is very loud, very deliberate and tells you what to do and provides you with a lot of warning when it is going to shock the patient.  OBVIOUSLY, when it goes to shock the patient DON’T TOUCH THE PATIENT.

For further information specifically on the AED Device installed in the Cricket Club hallway please read the Manual or if you would like to watch a YouTube Video on how to use the device you can do so here…



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