Welcome to our new format newsletter. We are just trialing this new format and would be happy to have your comments (please add them at the end).
Outer Space!
Another rumour circulating around the veranda gallery is that Cal is on the look out for a shed to rent in the Cleveland area. His latest plane pictured which he couldn’t resist buying – he has a direct line to rctrader! – can’t be hangered at his residence. Naturally any latest acquisition has to be secreted out of sight as we’re not sure his wife knows about this yet.
Free to Good Home…
A long term member of the club, Chris Wrightson, has donated his plane rack so as it can be repurposed to another avid aerial enthusiast.
It can rack about five planes and is pretty sturdy and well made. It has obviously served Chris well over the years and he is now willing to depart with it to ensure it has a new life.
Thanks Chris for allowing us to help move this on to a new life.
Can you identify the elements of a flight path?
RAMS Member Calan Moss was showing me through some of the training material we have at the club and I was surprised how well prepared we are and much I had forgotten.
While at RAMS we have a liberal approach to flight direction due to the nature of our field, at other fields it is more rigid. This diagram was a great reminder to some of the basic of flying elements I had forgotten.
At this point I can’t help but revisit this other great image…
One for the Photo Sleuths of the club…
How good are your powers of detection? Who is the person featured in this photo? Hat, Radian, agile on the side of a mountain… Put your answers in the comments below.
RAMS Door is now Squeaky Clean
Did you notice the door to the Hangar was in a bad way? No problem, Phil and Cal to the rescue. If introducing new people to our sport and teaching newcomers how to fly an RC plane isn’t enough, Phil and Cal turned their hand to repairing the Hangar door and did a marvelous job. It is now working a treat! Thanks guys we recognise you are giving up your own time flying to help us and others, really appreciated.
John J and Ernie testing out John’s invention to locate the source of black gold or Texan oil rumoured to be below the pilot box. Sadly only black mud was pumped to the surface.
A big thank you particularly goes to John J for the work that he has done to reestablish the deeply embedded Pilot Barrier fence holes. He spent many hours digging, mixing cement and then racing back home to get a hacksaw!
Right out of the Box
Clubmember Steve.W received this 30 year old rc model still in its box – never flown. In order to make up for some of the models age and shortcomings he had to design and manufacture a landing mount ,control horns and engine mount using his 3D printer .
The aircraft initially had a brushed motor and used NICAD batteries and there was now speed control to speak of, just it turn on, fly, then land when the batteries have expired. (old school)
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That would be David Rogers at Rosins Lookout
Absolutely !!
Great to see the club is still flourishing Sorry i have not been able to supply some coffee
travel restrictions have stopped my travel this year. John J still hard at work i will have to catch up sometime if i am ever allowed out of the house.You have been a great assert to the club for years. I have some bits and pieces still in the shed if anyone is interested. good for new comers to the sport who don”t want to spend to much to start off.
I’m going to have to steal the design for that plane rack.