In response to the Queensland Government announcement of Stage 3 restrictions being implemented from the 22nd August, 2020, the RAMS Committee have implemented the following COVID Safe Plan.
As RAMS utilises a playing field for the majority of the execution of its function we come under the Field Sports COVID Safe Industry Plan.
While a majority of this Industry Specific plan is slanted towards contact sports the premise and principles are the same.
In line with this plan we have implemented the following steps;
- Attendance Register to assist in contact tracing (photo)
- Signage supporting the requirement of an Attendance Register being completed by all who attend field
- Members only are allowed to attend (No visitors)
- Maximum 3 people in flight box at any time
- Maximum 2 people setting up their plane(s)
- Maximum 2 people packing up their plane(s)
- Hand sanitiser is made available
- Bulletin communication measures are in place to communicate to all members specific and immediate changes
- Social Distancing measures are in place and constantly reinforced through broadcast emails to members
If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the COVID Safe Plan for the Redlands Aero Modeller Inc. please contact the Secretary.
John Mc did a fantastic job cleaning the kitchen, putting out the sanitizer bottle and asking people to sign in the attendance book. so john has made a great start to keeping every one safe at the club. but id like to remind our fellow members and myself one man does not make a whole team.. we have to work together if we are going to beat this COVID. John j